Location: Work in your online course > View your results > Review homework

Review homework

You can review homework assignments and you can try again without changing your homework score.

You can review a homework assignment after you have completed at least one question.

To review a homework assignment:

  1. Go to your Results page.
  2. Click the Review link for the homework assignment you want to review. The Homework Overview appears.

    For questions you have begun or have completed, an icon appears to the left of the question link to show its status. If your instructor has commented on your work, you see a comment icon next to the question.

  3. Click a question link to review the question. The player window shows icons that tell you whether your answer is correct, incorrect, partly correct, or in progress.

    If your instructor has commented on your work, the comment appears or you can click View Comment to read the comment.

    If your work is saved, the player shows the correct answer in the answer box. If you answered incorrectly, position the mouse cursor over the red triangle in the corner of the answer box to see your answer.

    Some questions may include a "Review-only" section. This section shows information on the question. For complex questions, you might see the detailed steps required to answer, for example how to do offline calculations needed to get the answer.

    If your work is not saved, you see a question similar to the one you completed.

  4. Use the navigation controls to move to the next or previous question as needed to continue reviewing your assignment.
  5. Use the link at the top of the player window to return to the Results page when you have finished reviewing.

If your instructor allows it, you can work on questions without affecting your score. If your work is saved and you are viewing a completed question, click Similar Exercise or Try Again to generate a similar question with new values. Otherwise, work on the question as it appears in the player window.

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