Location: Work in your online course > Do assignments > Do homework

Do homework

Your upcoming homework assignments are posted your course home page and all your homework assignments are listed on the Homework and Tests page.

To do a homework assignment:

  1. Click the name of the assignment on your course home page or on the Homework and Tests page.

    An overview page appears with information about the assignment.

    If you are doing a writing assignment, the writing app opens. See Do writing assignments for details on working in the writing app.

    If you have a score for the homework, but you have not worked on it, the score is based on a prerequisite test. See Do personalized homework for details.

  2. Click a linked question or media name to begin.

    If you are redoing an assignment and didn't correctly answer a question, you see the correct answer to the question. Click Similar Exercise or Try Again to answer a new version of the question to get more practice or to improve your score.

    Your instructor can limit the number of times you can click Similar Exercise or Try Again to work on a question. This button does not appear after you have used all your attempts. If you have a limited number of attempts, using Help Me Solve This counts as one attempt.

  3. Enter an answer and then click Check Answer.

    If you answered correctly, a congratulatory message appears. If you answered incorrectly, a message will prompt you to try again. You usually get more than one attempt at a homework question. On your last attempt, the button changes to Final Check.

    If the question has multiple parts, the Check Answer button may change to read Continue. If so, click Continue to keep stepping through the problem, checking your answer after each step.

  4. Click a question number at the top of the player to move to the next question.

    If the assignment includes media, such as videos or simulations, you may have to answer follow-up questions after you view or work on the media. When you click the question number for a follow-up question, you are prompted to open the media. When you finish with the media, click Display Question to answer the follow-up question.

    Your score on the assignment is automatically updated each time you complete a question.

  5. When you have finished working, click Save to return to the Homework Overview page and see your results.
  6. Click OK on the overview page to return to the Homework and Tests page.

After you have completed a question, you can click Similar Exercise or Try Again to work on the problem again with different values.

You do not have to complete a homework assignment at one time. You can begin working on the assignment and then return to it as often as you want before the due date.

See also:

About players

Review homework

The Homework Overview page