Location: Work in your online course > View your results > Review writing assignments

Review writing assignments

To review a writing assignment and comments on your essay:

  1. Go to your Results page. In the Correct/Total column, you may see:

    The instructor review completed icon - your instructor has finished reviewing your draft and you can revise it.

    The submitted for review icon - you have submitted a draft for review and your instructor hasn't yet reviewed it.

  2. Click Review to see the assignment in review mode.

Click the tab above the writing area to view different versions of your essay. For example:

Tabs showing draft and feedback

In this example, you click the Draft 1 tab to view your original work, and you click the Feedback 1 tab to see your instructor's comments.

You cannot make changes to a writing assignment when you are reviewing it. To continue working on an assignment, go to your Homework and Tests page.

You can get more detailed information on reviewing writing assignments by clicking on the help icon at the top right of the writing window.

See also:

Do writing assignments