Location: Answer questions in your player > About players

About players

Every online course comes with a player where you can do your assignments online. The player checks your answers to questions and reports the results to you and to your instructor.

A player has three modes: one for taking tests and quizzes, one for doing homework and Study Plan work, and one for reviewing your work. Each mode has slightly different features.

Writing assignments are done in a special writing app, not in the player. For information on writing assignments, see Do writing assignments.


collapsedUsing the player on your tablet


collapsedTest and quiz mode


collapsedHomework and Study Plan mode


collapsedReview mode


See Tips on using players for answers to common questions about using players. You also can view a tour on how to enter answers.

See also:

Use the player on a tablet

Use the player on a PC or laptop

Use the player with JAWS