Location: Answer questions in your player > Enter answers in math courses > Use the grapher > Graph circles

Graph circles

Using the grapher, you can draw circles.

Plot a circle

To plot a circle:

  1. Click the circle tool .
  2. In the graph, click where you want to locate the center of your circle.
  3. Move your cursor to a point on your circle.

    As you move the cursor, a temporary line appears so you see what your final circle will look like.

  4. When your cursor is on the correct point, click to graph the point.

    Your completed circle appears and is selected.

You can add more than one circle to your graph.

Select a circle

To select a circle:

  1. Click the selection tool .
  2. Click the line or point.

    If your line is selected, the point you plotted is blue and the circle line is orange. When a point is selected, the point is orange.

    A selected circleAn unselected circle
    Example of a selected circleExample of an unselected circle

Change a circle

To change or delete a circle, first select it.

Move a selected circle in one of these ways:

Change the circumference of the circle in this way:

Delete a selected circle in one of these ways:

Fill a circle

To fill a circle:

  1. Click the shading tool icon .
  2. Click inside the circle.