Location: Work in your online course > Work in the Study Plan > Take Quiz Me quizzes

Take Quiz Me quizzes

If your instructor allows it, you can take Quiz Me quizzes to prove mastery of sections and (if applicable) objectives in your Study Plan. Your results on a Quiz Me quiz do not affect your grade in your course, unless your instructor includes your Study Plan work in your overall score.

Take a Quiz Me when you are confident that you know the material and are ready to prove mastery. For each section or objective that you master on a Quiz Me, you get one mastery point in your Study Plan.

To take a Quiz Me quiz:

  1. Click the Quiz Me link in one of these places:
  2. Answer all questions in the quiz and submit it.
  3. View your results on the Quiz Me Summary page.
  4. Click Review Test to see the correct answers and your answers or click Study Plan to return to your Study Plan.

While working on a Quiz Me quiz, you can click Save for Later to finish the quiz at a later time. However, you cannot rework any questions that you have already answered.

See also:

Use the player on a tablet

Use Study Plan recommendations

Work in the Study Plan