
Provide diagnostics when you contact Pearson Support.

Don't know your integration? Depending on how your course is set up, there are different ways to access diagnostics. Check with your instructor if you're not sure which of the following instructions apply.

  1. From your LMS course, select the Access Pearson or MyLab and Mastering link. For Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, or VitalSource, select the bookstore link. The link is usually named Course Materials and could include the bookstore name. If applicable, select the Launch Courseware or Access Courseware link.
  2. Select Help & Support.

    Help & Support tab

  3. Select Diagnostics.

    Get diagnostics button

  4. To create a .txt file for Pearson Support, select Download Diagnostics.

    Download diagnostics button

To identify your integration, look for the Launch Type in Diagnostics.

Launch Type


Updated 26 Nov 2024