Customize settings for an assignment

For information about settings for Adaptive Follow-Up assignments, see Adaptive Follow-Up settings.

Each Mastering assignment inherits its initial grading, presentation, and security settings from the category to which it belongs. The default settings in the Homework, Quiz, and Test categories work well for most assignments, but you can customize these settings for a specific assignment.

Note: If you copy an assignment with customized settings to another course, your customizations are overwritten to match the settings of the same category in the new course. If needed, you can customize the settings again.

 Video: Change default assignment settings

To customize grading, presentation, and security settings for an assignment:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Set options and values on the Basic, Advanced, and Security tabs, as described below.

  3. Click Save before you move to another tab or close the window. Otherwise, your changes are lost.

  4. Click Close.

See also:

About assignment categories

Edit category settings

Create a pooled assignment