Conley Readiness Index
In MyLab Student Success courses, your instructor has the option of making the Conley Readiness Index (CRI) available to you. The CRI is a survey that gives you insight into your learning style and strengths, and gives you opportunities for improvement. You complete the survey by rating how well a variety of statements apply to you. CRI then runs a report that shows where your strengths are and where you may want to build more skills.
Your survey answers and your report are confidential. CRI creates an aggregate report for the instructor that shows the overall class results and results by percentage of students, but students are anonymous in the instructor's report.
The Conley Readiness Index is not available in all MyLab courses.
The CRI structure
You don't need to know the CRI hierarchy to complete the survey. When you're reviewing the report, you may find it helpful to understand that key dimensions are made up of aspects.
The CRI is based on the four "keys" or "dimensions" of college and career readiness:
- Cognitive Strategies (Think)
- Content Knowledge (Know)
- Learning Skills & Techniques (Act)
- Transition Knowledge & Skills (Go)
Each dimension has "aspects." For example, Cognitive Strategies has four aspects: Problem Formulation, Research, Interpretation, Communication, and Precision/Accuracy. Each aspect has "components." A component is a group of related "items," typically statements or questions. For example:
As you work through the survey, it displays the key dimension and the name and description of the component you're working on. When you complete the survey, the resulting report shows your rating scores in the key dimensions and their aspects.
See also: