Work a Writing Space assignment

Writing Space assignments require that you write an essay on a specific topic. When you submit a draft, your instructor reviews it, adds comments, and submits a grade. If your instructor allows it, you can revise the essay based on your instructor's comments and submit a new draft. Your instructor then reviews it, adds comments, and submits a final grade. (Writing Space assignments are not available in all courses.)

A Writing Space assignment can require a single draft or multiple drafts, and it might include peer reviews. You work on the assignment in Writing Space. Writing Space opens automatically when you select to work on or review a Writing Space assignment.

From within Writing Space, your instructor might make a grading rubric available to you, so you can see the key traits that will contribute to your grade. Your instructor may also make supporting tools available to you, such as sample essays, detailed instructions, or reading materials. Your instructor has the option to check your submissions for originality against current and archived Web pages, internet publications, and a repository of submissions from other students.

When commenting on your draft, the instructor may insert a "common error" comment that links to a course topic. This is a topic assigned to you as part of your Personalized Review Plan. (Personalized plans are not available for all comments or in all MyLabs.)