Overall score calculation

Your overall score for a content area is displayed on the Results page. You can display the calculations for the overall score by selecting its Show Calculation link. (If you don't see an Overall Score on the Results page, your instructor has chosen to hide it.)

The table displays information by assignment type: your average score, category weight, points you earned, and time you spent.

All activities and Post-tests across all modules in the selected content area contribute to your overall score. Depending on your course, the Path Builder and Skills Check assessments might not contribute to your score.

collapsedAbout your overall score

The overall score is calculated by multiplying your Average Scores times the Category Weight to determine the Points Earned.

For each assignment type, the table shows the information that counts toward your overall score:

Your Average Scores: The average score for all the work you did in that assignment type. For example, if you took two tests and received scores of 80% and 90%, your Test average is 85%.

Category Weight: The weight, in points, your instructor has assigned to each category (assignment type). For example, your instructor might assign more weight to the Test category than to the Homework category.

Points Earned: The number of points you have earned in each category. This number is a weighted average, the result of multiplying your average score by the category weight. For example, if the Test category has a weight of 50 points and your Test average is 90%, the weighted average for the Test category is 50 points x 90%, or 45 points.

Time Spent: The time you spent working on assignments in that category. For homework activities, the Time Spent does not include inactivity time outs.