Review your results

The Results page shows the results and grades for all work you have completed in the selected content area. The top of the page displays your Overall Score and how it was calculated. The lower portion of the page displays your individual assignment scores.

Your overall score is available only if your instructor has selected to display it. Also, overall scores are not available for Learning Catalytics sessions.

collapsedResult descriptions

  • The date range you selected is at the top of the assignment list.

    Select Review to open and review the assignment, if your instructor allows it. (A Learning Catalytics assignment will open in its application.)

    If an assignment name is grayed out, it does not contribute to your overall score.

  • Correct/Total: The number of points you earned for correct answers, followed by the total number of points in the assignment. For example, if you got 8 points in a test with 10 points, you would see 8/10. If you see an asterisk (*) next to number of points, you received a penalty for submitting the assignment past the due date.

    For Writing Space Assignments that have a grading rubric, Total is the total points possible based on the rubric. Correct is calculated using your percentage score and the total points possible. For example, a score of 85% for an assignment with 6 total points possible is displayed as 5.1/6.

  • Score: The score you received on the assignment. Depending on how your instructor has set up the course, this score may be your best score, your most recent score, or an average of your scores on all attempts. collapsedShow the Score entries and their descriptions.
  • Time Spent: The amount of time you spent working on the assignment. The time is shown as hours and minutes, for example, 1h 12m. For media assignments — such as PDF files, eText, or StatCrunch — that do not report duration, Time Spent is "Not Supported." If you spent less than a minute on the assignment, it is shown as <1m. For homework activities, the Time Spent does not include inactivity time outs.

    If you took a test that was interrupted before you submitted it, the word "incomplete" appears in the Time Spent column for that test. Depending on how your instructor set up the test, you can resume or retake an incomplete test.

  • Drafts Submitted: The number of drafts you submitted for the assignment, when applicable, for Writing and Writing Practice assignments.
  • Date Started: The date and time you started work on the assignment.
  • Date Worked: The date and time when you submitted an assignment or when your instructor entered a score for an assignment.


See also: