Cross over to Learning Catalytics

You work on all Learning Catalytics sessions from with Learning Catalytics. You "cross over" from your MyLab's Course Home page to Learning Catalytics. This ensures that you enter the Learning Catalytics course associated with your MyLab course and have access to the sessions set up by your instructor.

You must cross over from the MyLab and Mastering (MLM) course that has the Learning Catalytics assignments that you want to work on. If you cross over from a different course or login from the Learning Catalytics website, your grades will not transfer to your MLM course.

In many courses, access to Learning Catalytics is included when you pay for the online course. If not, when you initially attempt to cross over you're prompted to sign up and pay for access.

collapsedYou'll see one of these screens

When you cross over to Learning Catalytics, you'll see one of the following screens.

  • Session: When you see a question and you need to enter a response, you are in the current Learning Catalytics session. The instructions on the screen tell you how to respond, and you then need to select a Submit button to submit your response.
  • Home > Review older sessions: When this is the first screen you see it means that your instructor is not currently delivering a session (there's isn't anything you need to do). You can select one of the older sessions to review its questions and your responses.

collapsedGet more help

As you work in Learning Catalytics, select the Help link below the Pearson banner to open the Learning Catalytics Student Help. It has details and procedures for working in Learning Catalytics from a MyLab. Or, to open the help directly, go to Learning Catalytics Student Help.

The Help link is in the page footer.


See also: