Review feedback on your writing

The Course Home displays the MyWriting tab when you have received feedback on Writing Skills essay, Writing Practice, or Writing Space assignments. The tab displays the assignment's title, draft number, the date you submitted the draft, and the date you received feedback.

There is a table with 4 columns. Column 1 has assignment names, column 2 draft numbers, column 3 submission dates, and column 4 feedback dates.

The tab lists all writing submissions that have feedback, and the Notifications icon tells you how many you need to review. Additionally, the MyWriting tab highlights any assignment that you need to review, and removes the highlight when you open the assignment.


  • MyWriting tab does not notify you of peer comments on a peer-review Writing Space assignment.
  • Your instructor may have hidden the MyWriting tab. In this case you can review feedback from the Results page and View Assignments by Month page, as described below.