Step 2: Set titles and dates

You use this page when creating or editing a composition assignment. Asterisked (*) entries are required; all other entries are optional.

Click a setting link below to display its description.

Assignment Details

Assignment Title

Gradebook Column Heading

Writing Prompt

Additional Assignment Directions

Assignment Files

Assignment Resources

Allow Attachments for Submissions


Use this section to specify the maximum number of drafts you want students to submit. When an assignment has multiple drafts, students must complete and submit the drafts in order (first draft, second, and so on). Also, you must grade and return a draft to a student before the student can begin work on the next draft.

Draft Name

Due Date


Points Possible

Add Drafts

Note: You can add drafts and edit draft information when you create or edit the assignment. However, once a student has started work on the assignment, you cannot add drafts or edit draft information.

Assignment Availability 

Assignment Start Date

Display on Students' To Do

Include in List of Active Assignments

Click the Continue button to save the assignment. Or, if you want to finish this assignment later, click the Save and Finish Later button. The MyLab saves and closes the assignment, and lists it under Assignments Requiring Additional Setup on the Assignment page's All tab.