Location: The gradebook > Display a student's work for All Topic Assets
Display a student's work for all topic assets
All Gradebook reports can take you to a page that displays a specific student's work on a Resource topic's assets. The information includes the student's scores for each exercise set, the student and class average, and the student's time on task for each set. This page also provides you with the options of displaying the student's work as a graph, viewing the student's work on an exercise, and resetting exercise scores.
To display the topic asset details from the Student Results Summary:
- Click a student's score in either the All Resources Average or Class Required Resources Average column.
- Click a topic link to display the student's work on that topic's assets.
To display the topic asset details from the Topic Results Summary:
- Click a student's name.
Report details
Click one of the following links for more information on the report.
Drop-down lists and links displayed at the top of the report
Student drop-down list: Select a student from the drop-down to display that student's results for the topic's assets. (This drop-down is displayed only when you enter this screen through the Student Results Summary.)
Results Graph: Click this link to display a graph that plots the student's and class's averages.
Export: Click this link to export the results to an Excel or .csv file.
Print: Click this link to print the topic's asset details for the selected student.
View Icon Key: Point to this link to display the legend for the report's icons.
Report contents
The leftmost column lists the topic's assets.
Required by Instructor icons designate assets that you flagged as required Resources for the entire class.
Required by Diagnostic icons designate assets that are required as the result of a diagnostic test.
The instructional/tutorial assets display N/A instead of a score in the Set columns.
When a student has viewed or opened an instructional/tutorial asset, the Gradebook displays a check mark
in the View column.
Note: The Gradebook tracks information only for tutorial content that is listed in students' Study Plans. Any other tutorials that students view are not tracked.
You can click a score to view the exercise questions and the student's responses.
The Date column displays the date and time the student completed the asset.
You can also reset an exercise so the student can retake it. To do this, select the exercise's Reset Scores? check box and click the Reset Scores button. The score the student receives after retaking the exercise replaces the original score.
See also:
The gradebook | Student Results Summary | Topic Results Summary