Study Plan: Diagnostic Properties

You can edit the Study Plan and set the default diagnostic pre-test properties for reading skills. These properties are on the Study Plan Properties page.

Diagnostic Properties

Use these options to specify whether students must take the diagnostic pre-tests before starting the course. If you select Yes for Require Skills Diagnostic, The MyLab requires that students complete the diagnostic pre-tests before allowing them access to the course. Selecting No lets students take the diagnostic tests at any time.

When you select Yes, the Available Diagnostics selections are displayed. Select the types of diagnostic pre-tests you want students to take. You also have the option of specifying a Password that students must enter in order to access a diagnostic test.

If you do not want students to have access to diagnostic pre-tests, you can hide them. See Hide and Show Topics for more information.

Note: Another option for requiring diagnostics is to assign them. You can assign specific diagnostic activities, with or without due dates. Students have full access to the course and can complete the assigned diagnostics at any time. See Assign Topics and Diagnostic Activities for more information.

See also:

Edit Study Plan Properties | Customize the Study Plan