Location: The Study Plan > Assign Topics and Diagnostic Activities

Assign Topics and Diagnostic Activities

You can assign, or require, specific reading skills topics and diagnostic activities to your students. The MyLab flags any required work in the assignment calendar and the Study Plan. In addition, the Gradebook's Required Work Detail report shows your students' progress with the required assignments.

When you require a topic or diagnostic activity, you have the option of specifying a due date. When you specify a date, the Gradebook also tracks whether or not the student completed the assignment on time.

In both the students' and your view of the Study Plan, the MyLab displays either the due date or "Required" for any required topics or diagnostic activities. The View Calendar tab also lists required topics and diagnostic activities.

If you require a topic that any students have already completed or mastered, the MyLab records their scores in the Required Work Detail report. The results of required diagnostics are recorded in the Diagnostic Detail report.


Click this link to view a video on assigning a reading-skill topic.

The following procedures describe how to assign a topic or diagnostic activity and how to update or remove the assignment settings. Click a procedure's link to display its steps.

To require a Reading Skills topic
To require a diagnostic test activity
To edit or remove the required setting

See also:

Assignment Calendar | Required Work Detail Report