Print course materials
Updated 19 Feb 2024
MyLab Languages instructors can print an activity or report as a Microsoft® Word® document or PDF file. You will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to open and print a PDF file.
MyLab IT instructors can print objective-based question only activities as Microsoft® Word® documents or PDF files. You can print simulation activities as PDF files. You will need Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to open and print a PDF file.
- Go to the Course Materials > Add from Library page or the Course Materials > Manage Course Materials page.
- Locate the asset you want to print.
- Click Print on the asset's options menu.
- Define your print settings.
Type of file to set the print format
- Editable Microsoft Word (DOC): Select to create a Microsoft Word file that you can continue to edit. Note that generated reports use this option. This option is not available for MyLab IT simulations and MyLab IT instructors may not have this option available to them.
- Not editable (PDF): Select to create a file in PDF format.
Answer Key
Specify whether and how to include an answer key. An answer key is the printed version of the correct answers for an activity or test. The answer key contains the question number(s) and the correct response for each question. This option does not apply to MyLab IT simulation activities.
Available options are:
- Include answer key in file: Select to include the answer key in the same file as the activity or test. After you choose Print, the answer key appears on the screen and you can print the answer key as the last page of the file. If a question does not include an answer, for example, an essay question may not include an answer, then the answer key displays only the question number for that question.
- Include answer key in separate file: Select to print the answer key in a separate file. This may be a good option for PDF files or if you intend to distribute or post the answer key electronically for students.
- Include My Course information in answer key: Select to include additional information in the answer key. Options are:
- Learning objective: Select to include associated learning objectives in the answer key.
- Answer feedback: Select to include answer feedback in the answer key.
- Question hints: Select to include question hints in the answer key.
Student response to set how students provide answers
Select one of the following options
- On left: Click to let students write answers to the left of the question.
- On separate answer sheet: Click to let students write answers on a separate page.
- No answer blanks: Click to print the activity without answer blanks.
Header and footers to set format in printed items
Use these settings to format the print document. Options are:
- Include header: Click to include a page header in the document.
- Include page numbers: Click to include page numbers in the document.
- Include class name/section name: Click to include the class or section name in the document.
Include Clickstream Data
Click to include individual student's actions when completing a simulation.
Include Methods To Complete
Select to see all the methods students can use to complete the simulation. If you do not select this option, only question titles appear in the document.
Print Versions
If MyTest is enabled, you can print multiple versions of the same test. Each version contains the same questions. The questions and the answer choices can be in a different order on each version of the test. See Download and print tests.
- Number of version of tests: Click this option to enter the number of versions you want to create. If you enter a number that is greater than 1, the following options are enabled:
- Preserve question order: Select to retain the order of the questions as they appear on the original test. Clear to change the question order for each test version.
- Preserve answer order: Select to retain the order of the question answer choices as they appear on the original test. Clear to change the order of question answer choices for each test version.
- Click OK to open the File Download window.
If you are printing multiple test versions, clicking OK displays a window that lists each version of the test. You need to print each version individually because MyTest creates a separate file for each test version. Click the version name to open a new File Download window for each test version. MyTest saves only the original version of the test; if you want a record of each version of the test that you created, you need to save each file to your computer.
- To print without saving, click Open. Print the document.
- To save and print, click Save. Open the saved document and then print the document.
You cannot print Grader projects even though Print appears on the options menu. (MyLab IT only)