Change due dates and assign status
You can edit assigned status, start and due dates, late submission settings, and password settings for multiple assignments.
If you edit a coordinator course, you can choose whether to update member sections with only your new changes or with all coordinator course settings (potentially overwriting individual section instructor changes).
- In the Assignment Manager, select Manage > Edit dates and status.
In the Homework/Test Manager, select Change Dates & Assign Status. - Depending on your course, you can filter the list of assignments by:
- All Assignment Tags
- All Assignments
- All Chapters
- To check for special settings for individual students, select Review Individual Student Settings for an assignment.
- In the list of assignments, select the assignments you want to edit or select the check box in the header to select all assignments.

- In the top row, select Assigned or Unassigned.
- Select the check boxes for the assignments to assign or unassign.
- In the top row, select Apply to Selected to set the assignment status for all checked assignments.
You also can set the assigned status for individual assignments in their rows in the table.

- Above the list of assignments, choose either:
- Use Calendar for Dates to apply specified calendar dates.
- Use Add/Subtract Days for Dates to shift dates by a specified number of days.
This option is useful when you are editing dates in preloaded courses or copies of courses.
- Edit the dates:
- If you are using calendar dates, enter the start and/or end dates in the top row of the list.
- If you are shifting dates, choose whether to add or subtract days to the existing dates. Then enter the number of days to add or subtract
- Select Apply to Selected to change the dates for all checked assignments
You also can change the dates for individual assignments in their rows in the table or open the Assignment Manager to manage due dates using drag-and drop in the calendar.

- Above the list of assignments, choose either:
- Use Calendar for Dates to apply specified calendar dates.
- Use Add/Subtract Days for Dates to shift existing late-submission due dates by a specified number of days.
- Enter or edit late-submission due dates:
- If you are using calendar dates:
- Check Allow late submission in the top row of the list.
- Check Final Submission and enter a date and time.
- Optionally enter a password that students must enter to submit a homework late.
- If you are shifting dates, choose whether to add or subtract days to the existing late-submission due dates. Then enter the number of days to add or subtract.
- If you are using calendar dates:
- Select Apply to Selected to change the dates for all checked assignments.
You also can change the late-submission dates for individual assignments in their rows in the table.
Uncheck Allow late submission to prevent student access after the due date.

To require students to enter a password for a test or quiz before or after the due date:
- In the Test/Quiz Access column, enter the password.
- Select Apply to Selected to apply the password to all checked assignments.
You also can enter or change the passwords for individual assignments in their rows in the table.

When you edit a coordinator course, you can choose how to apply your changes:
- Update All Settings - member sections inherit all coordinator course settings, not only your latest changes. This option overrides any settings that section instructors made in their member courses.
- Update Changes Only - only your new settings are applied to all the member sections.
When you are working in a standard course, these choices are the same.
Select Done when you finish.

When an assignment has individual student settings, you might get a dialog box asking whether you want to override individual settings. If you select No, all individual settings are retained, including LockDown Browser and proctoring settings.