Drop lowest scores
You can drop up to five lowest scores for tests for your entire class.
The best time to drop lowest scores is after your program ends. Lowest scores are based on student results at the time when you drop the scores. Future scores are not considered until you drop lowest scores again. If you drop lowest scores more than once in a program, any previously dropped scores that are no longer the lowest will be restored.
When you or your students review their results, low score is displayed for each dropped score. To see when the score was dropped, hover over this label.
To drop lowest scores for all the member sections in a program group, the owner of the coordinator program chooses how many scores to drop in the coordinator program. This change is then applied to all the member programs.
- From the Gradebook, select More Tools > Drop Lowest Scores.
If you dropped lowest scores previously, you see the date when you last dropped scores.
- Select the number of scores to drop from the Lowest scores to drop list.
- Select Drop Lowest Scores and Done to return to the gradebook.