Location: Answer questions in your player > Enter answers in math courses > Use the math palette

Use the math palette

Depending on the type of question, you may need to use the math palette to enter your answer.

The math palette is available when your answer might require special mathematical formats and symbols (for example, fractions and square roots). The math palette contains templates that help you insert your answers.

To use the math palette:

  1. In the answer area of the question, click the place where you need to insert a special math format or symbol.
  2. In the math palette, click the icon for the template you need. For example, to insert a square root, you would click the square root icon .

    The template you chose appears in the answer area.

  3. Inside the template, type any values you need to provide. For example, if the answer is the square root of 16, you would replace the blue box in the template with 16.

Here is a brief example of how to use the math palette:

To see a demonstration on how to use the math palette, you can watch the How to enter answers tour.

See Using the player with JAWS for details on using a the JAWS screenreader with the player.

Some tips on using the math palette

Here are some answers to common questions about using the math palette:

My cursor is stuck inside a template. How do I get it out?

How do I combine templates to create a complicated expression?

Can I use keyboard shortcuts to enter symbols?

How do I undo my answer?


My cursor is stuck inside a template. How do I get it out?

After you insert a template in your answer, use the arrow key to move in and out of the template. If the cursor looks small, you are inside the template. If the cursor looks big, you are outside of the template. For example, suppose you need to enter a fraction followed by a variable.

  1. With your cursor in the answer area, click on the fraction template .

    The template appears in the answer area:

    An example of the fraction template with the cursor in the top box

    Notice that the cursor looks small.

  2. Enter 3 as the numerator and then press the right arrow key.

    The cursor moves down to the denominator box:

    An example fraction with the cursor in the bottom box

  3. Enter 4 as the denominator and then press the right arrow key.

    Notice that the cursor is now big, which means you are outside of the template.

    An example fraction with the cursor to the right of the fraction

  4. Enter the variable, a:

    An example fraction with the variable a to the right of the fraction

How do I combine templates to create a complicated expression?

You can put a template inside another template to create complicated expressions. Make sure your cursor is inside the correct blue template box, and then click the template you want to insert.

For example, suppose you need to enter a fraction with the square root of 3 over 4:

A fraction composed of the square root of 3 over 4

  1. With your cursor in the answer box, pick the fraction template .
  2. Make sure your cursor is blinking in the numerator box:

    An example of the fraction template with the cursor in the top box

  3. In the math palette, click the square root template. The square root symbol appears as the numerator:

    An example of the fraction template with the square root template in the top box

  4. Enter the values in the blue boxes.

Can I use keyboard shortcuts to enter symbols?

You can use keyboard shortcuts to enter mathematical formats and symbols. See Using keyboard shortcuts for details.

How do I undo my answer?

You can remove an individual entry in the answer box by:

To clear an entire answer, click Clear All at the bottom of the player window.

See also: 

Enter answers in math courses

Use the grapher

Work in homework or Study Plan mode

Work in test and quiz mode