Updated 18 Oct 2023
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The Connect with Pearson page will provide your rep's name and contact information after you enter your institution, location, and discipline.
When you copy a course, the copy includes all of its assignments but not their due dates, because the original due dates are usually past.
Similarly, it doesn't include student names or grade information, as that information doesn't apply to the new course.
To use copied assignments, give each assignment a due date and then publish it.
- Start by setting up your course, and creating assignments.
- When you're ready, do one of the following:
- Follow the instructions in LMS Help if you and students access Revel course materials through a learning management system (LMS).
- Invite students to join if you don't use an LMS.
When you pair a course through your LMS, the process creates a duplicate of your course. Select either course as the course to keep, then have students in the course you're discarding sign into the course you're keeping.
When students sign into the keeper course, they need to use the same user name and password they used for the discarded course or they will be prompted to purchase the course again.
In future, add Revel content to an LMS before you pair courses to avoid creating course duplicates.
You can browse Revel offerings in a number of subject areas, or look for your course materials by ISBN number to see more information. More course materials are added regularly.
Alternatively, you can create a course, look at its materials, and then delete the course. There is no charge to you or students until you invite them and they join the course.
Assignments appear to students as a collection of book icons for readings and star icons for scorable items, such as assessments and concept checks.
Before students start work, these icons are empty outlines. When students start work, icons are half filled, and when they submit their work, icons are filled. This visual cue shows students how they're progressing and where they may have missed some points.
You can allow late submissions and set penalties for late work on the Settings > Course details page.
If the unlimited option appears for an assessment type on the Settings > Course details page, you can allow unlimited tries for questions of that assessment type. Typically, this option appears for computer science questions, as well as for concept checks and some drag-and-drop questions.
You may see this situation in assignments that include several items. Each item's time on task is rounded up to the nearest minute. As a result, the overall assignment time, which is rounded only after totaling all assigned items, may be smaller than the sum of the individual times.
If an assignment includes readings with embedded questions and you expand the assignment to show all items, the Gradebook shows summary points for the reading and points for the concept check that's embedded in the reading. Don't worry, the points aren't counted twice!