Get started with Moodle
Select your integration to get started. How to identify your integration
Using Access Pearson or Access Pearson Codeless?
The link to access MyLab and Mastering is usually named Access Pearson. For a bookstore like Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, or VitalSource, the link is sometimes named Course Materials and may include the bookstore name.
Set up Access Pearson or Access Pearson Codeless
Using a different integration?
MyLab and Mastering integration
Identify your integration
Check the Launch Type in Diagnostics or the information below for help identifying which integration was set up for you. Contact your Moodle administrator if you're still unsure.
Direct integration
You'll see Direct integration links in the left navigation or a section. These links often include the MyLab or Mastering product name. For example, MyLab Math - Student Resources.
Access Pearson integration
The app is usually named Access Pearson.
MyLab and Mastering integration
The app is usually named MyLab and Mastering.
Access Pearson Codeless and Partner (CPI) integrations
Barnes & Noble
Updated 25 Nov 2024