Enable Access Pearson Codeless

After you set up Access Pearson for your Revel content, you need to enable Access Pearson Codeless. You do this through a bookstore like Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, or VitalSource.

Not sure which integration you're using? This topic covers the Access Pearson Codeless integration (LTI 1.3) for Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, and VitalSource. Check the Launch Type in Diagnostics or contact your LMS administrator if you're unsure which integration was set up for you. The Launch Type for Access Pearson Codeless is Channel partner integration LTI 1.3.

Step 1: Set up Access Pearson for your LMS

Select your LMS:

Blackboard Original

Blackboard Ultra


D2L Brightspace




Step 2: Hide the Revel and eText link

The Revel and eText link for LTI 1.1 could confuse students. If it's in the LMS course navigation, hide the link from students and don't use the link to add or copy Revel or eText content to your LMS course. This helps avoid issues with student access and purchase.

How to identify your integration: Check the Launch Type in Diagnostics if you're unsure which integration you're using. The Launch Type for the Access Pearson Codeless integration is Channel partner integration LTI 1.3. The Launch Type for the Access Pearson integration is Standard integration LTI 1.3.

Step 3: Enable Access Pearson Codeless

Your institution may offer students the option to opt in to add the cost of MyLab or Mastering course materials to their tuition or fees. This is available from your bookstore through the Access Pearson Codeless integration as part of your Inclusive Access or institutional-bill program. When students opt out, they can buy access through Pearson using a credit card or, if available, PayPal or Apple Pay.

Your LMS administrator usually works with the bookstore to integrate Access Pearson Codeless with your LMS course. To enable Access Pearson Codeless before students register, select the bookstore link and access your Revel content. For instructions, select your bookstore below. The name and location of the bookstore link depends on the course setup. The link is sometimes named Course Materials and may include your bookstore name.

Student access: We recommend you enable Access Pearson Codeless before students register for your Revel content. That way, students can access Revel through the bookstore link from your LMS course. This lets students manage their opt status. Students need to follow your institution's process to prevent issues with access and purchase.

Select your bookstore


Updated 04 Dec 2024