Transition existing courses to Access Pearson

If your LMS administrator upgrades your institution's integration from Revel and eText (LTI 1.1) to Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) for Canvas or D2L Brightspace, you'll need to transition your existing LMS courses. This doesn't apply to Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai, and Schoology.

Unsure if your institution installed Access Pearson? Check with your LMS administrator.

Upgrade to Access Pearson: The Revel and eText (LTI 1.1) tool is no longer available for associating Revel content with new Blackboard courses after December 1, 2024. For Canvas, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle, the LTI 1.1 tool is no longer available for associating new courses after June 15, 2025. You need to use Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) for associating new LMS courses after the upgrade date. You can still access existing Blackboard courses associating using  LTI 1.1 until December 31, 2024. You can still access existing Canvas, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle courses associating using  LTI 1.1 until the course end date. See Upgrade new courses to Access Pearson for details.


Updated 15 Jan 2025