Work a math activity with JAWS

You must complete all the questions in a math homework activity before you can submit it. However, it is not necessary to complete a homework activity in a single session. You can save your work and return to it later. (Math activities are not available in all courses.)

To work a math activity with JAWS:

  1. Open the math activity and select a question.
  2. Use JAWS to read the question.
  3. Enter Tab until the focus is on the edit field.
  4. After you hear "answer edit field," enter an answer using the command-line language, if necessary.

    Clear All clears your current answer and returns the problem to its original state so you can enter a new answer. In questions that have multiple parts, only the answer to the current part is cleared.

  5. Select Check Answer.

    You do not receive any credit for this answer if you don't check it.

  6. If you don't get the correct answer, try again.

    You can open one of the Question Help tools, such as Help Me Solve This to get some advice on how to answer this question.

  7. Select Check Answer again.

    If you get the answer wrong again and Check Answer changes to Final Check, this is your last chance to answer the question correctly. If your final answer is not correct, the question is marked wrong and points are deducted from your score.

  8. If the question has multiple parts, the Check Answer button changes to Continue so you can move to the next part. You need to repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 for each part.

    When all parts of the question are complete, the Check Answer button changes to Similar Exercise.

  9. If your answer was wrong or you just want more practice, select Similar Exercise.

    Similar Exercise displays the same question but with different values. Your score on the question (correct or incorrect) is determined by your most recent attempt. You will see a warning if your most recent attempt is incorrect and an earlier attempt is correct.

  10. Select the next or previous arrow in the navigation bar to go to the next or previous question. Or select the drop-down arrow and select a question from the overview.
  11. Select Save for later at any time to close the player. You can return to the activity later to complete it.

    Save for later closes the player and enters your current score in your instructor's Gradebook if this is the first time you have worked this activity. If this is not the first time, your score is not updated until you complete all the parts of the question and select Submit Activity.

    When you have completed all the questions in the activity, the Save for later button changes to Submit activity.

  12. Select Submit activity to close the player and submit your score to your instructor's Gradebook.
  13. Select Save at any time to save your work and close the player.

    After you have answered all the questions, the Save button changes to Submit Activity.

  14. Select Submit Activity to complete the activity.

See also: