Use math palette

Depending on the question type, you may need to use the math palette in the MyLab player. The math palette is available when your answer might require special mathematical formats and symbols (for example, fractions or square roots). The math palette also has templates that help you insert and format your answers.

collapsedMath palette with the on-screen keyboard

If you're using the on-screen keyboard, tap in a question's answer box to display the keyboard. The top row displays the most frequently used math symbols and templates. To display additional symbols and templates, tap More, also in the top row of the keyboard. collapsed(Show a picture of the math palette.)

The keyboard is at the bottom of the screen. An additional row at the top of the keyboard has math symbols and templates. Tap More for more symbols.

In the expanded palette, tap ABC to return to the keyboard. To hide the keyboard, including the palette, tap Hide Hide.

collapsedMath palette without the on-screen keyboard

If you're not using the on-screen keyboard, when you tap or click in an answer box, the MyLab player displays a row of standard math symbols across the bottom of your window. To display more palette symbols and the templates, select More. collapsed(Show a picture of the math palette.)

Click in an answer box to display the math palette. Click More in the palette to display additional symbols.

In the expanded palette, select Less to return to just the standard math symbols. To hide the palette select its close x.

collapsedWork with the math palette


See also: