Use the math palette
Updated 02 Nov 2021
The math palette lets you insert templates or symbols for math expressions.
Answer using the math palette
- Click or tap in the answer box to display the math palette.
- The math palette shows the templates or symbols you need to enter the correct answer.
If you don't see the template you want, select More/Less to show or hide more choices.
- Select a template to enter it in your answer box.
- If your answer includes values, enter them in the blue boxes in the template.
Insert combined templates
- Click or tap in the answer box to display the math palette.
- Select the fraction template.
- With your cursor in the numerator box, select the square root template.
- Enter your values.
Move your cursor out of a template
To move in and out of a template, use the arrow keys in the math palette.
- If the cursor looks small, you're inside the template.
- If the cursor looks big, you're outside the template.
Example: Enter a fraction followed by a variable.
- With your cursor in the answer area, select the fraction template .
The template appears in the answer area and the cursor appears small:
- Enter 3 as the numerator and press the right arrow key.
The cursor moves down to the denominator box:
- Enter 4 as the denominator and press the right arrow key.
The cursor is big, so you're outside of the template.
- Enter the variable, a:
Undo an answer
To remove an entry in the answer box:
- Select the undo icon in the math palette.
- Use the backspace key on your keyboard.
- Highlight the entry and select Delete on your keyboard.
To clear an entire answer, select Clear all.