Step 2: Set titles and dates
You use this page when creating or editing a collaboration assignment. Asterisked (*) entries are required; all other entries are optional.
Click a setting to display its description.
Assignment Details
Assignment Title
Enter the assignment title as you want it to appear in students' To Do lists and calendars.
Gradebook Column Heading
Enter the assignment title that you want to appear in the Gradebook. Limit the title to 20 characters or fewer to avoid having a wide column in the Gradebook.
Writing Prompt
Click the Select button to add a writing prompt or to select another prompt; click the Edit button to modify the existing prompt. (Any writing prompts that you add to the course are automatically saved and are available across all your MyLab courses.)
Additional Assignment Directions
Click the Add button to add any additional instructions for the assignment. Enter the instructions in the text box and click the Save & Close button. The MyLab then displays the instructions on the Assignment Builder page and to students in the assignment details. To modify existing directions, click the Edit button, update the information, and click the Save & Close button.
Assignment Files
Use the Add Files button to attach files to this assignment. You can attach a file that you have already uploaded or upload and attach a new file. Students can access the files when they view the assignment's details (when they initiate work on an assignment or from the composing space).
Use the Add/Remove Resources button to add or remove links to remediation Resource topics for this assignment. The topic links are available to students when they view the assignment's details (when they initiate work on an assignment and from the composing space).
Allow Attachments for Submissions
Use this option to allow students to attach files to this assignment and to allow you to attach files to the student submissions. (For more information, see Assignment/Submission file attachments.) When you select Yes, the MyLab displays a list of file types. Select the file types that you will accept and click the Save and Close button. Students can view the allowable file types in the assignment details and when working on the assignment. If you need to revise the list of allowable file types, select Yes again to re-open the list. (Note: When you allow students to attach files to an assignment, the students can still choose to complete the assignment without file attachments. If you are requiring that they attach files, you may want to note it in the Additional Assignment Directions.)
Use this section to specify the maximum number of drafts you want students to submit. When an assignment has multiple drafts, students must complete and submit the drafts in order (first draft, second, and so on). Also, you must grade and return a draft to a student before the student can begin work on the next draft.
Draft Name
Enter the draft name as it will appear in assignment lists and calendars.
Due Date
Enter the draft's due date. The due date also appears in assignment lists and calendars.
Select the time that the assignment is due on the Due Date. Any assignments not submitted by this time on the due date will be flagged as late in the Gradebook. (The course's time zone affects the cutoff time for an assignment's due date. For example, an assignment due at 11:59 p.m. in Central time will be due earlier for students on the west coast and later for students on the east coast. See Your course's time zone for further information.)
Points Possible
Enter the maximum number of points students can earn for each draft. The MyLab
totals the points for all drafts to calculate the assignment's maximum number of points.
(For more information, see Grades as points or percentages.)
Add Drafts
Click this button to create additional drafts.
Note: You can add drafts and edit draft information when you create or edit the assignment. However, once a student has started work on the assignment, you cannot add drafts or edit draft information.
Assignment Availability
Assignment Start Date
Enter the earliest date and time when students can start work on the assignment. (The course's time zone affects the start time and can affect the start date. For example, a start time of 12:00 a.m. in Central time will be earlier and the previous day for students on the west coast. For students on the east coast, the start time would be later on the same start date. See Your course's time zone for further information.)
Display on Students' To Do
Enter the date and time when you want the MyLab to display the assignment on students' To Do lists. This setting is particularly useful for releasing your assignments over time: set up all your assignments (a virtual syllabus) before the course begins, then release assignments to students one by one. (The course's time zone affects the display time and can affect the display date. For example, a display time of 12:00 a.m. in Central time will be earlier for students and the previous day on the west coast. For students on the east coast, the display time would be later on the same display date. See Your course's time zone for further information.)
Include in List of Active Assignments
Select this option to activate the assignment, unselect the option to deactivate the assignment and hide it from students. See Activate and deactivate assignments for more information.
Click the Continue button to go on to step 3 of creating or modifying the collaboration assignment. Or, if you want to finish this assignment later, click the Save and Finish Later button. The MyLab saves and closes the assignment, and lists it under Assignments Requiring Additional Setup on the All tab of the Assignments page