All Resources Average for a student
The All Resources Average page lists all Resource topics and shows the average grade for the topics that one student has completed and the time on task. Across the top of the grid, the MyLab also displays the total time the student has spent working on Resource exercises.
Tip: To view the results for all students for one Resource topic, see Topic Results Summary.
To display a student's All Resources Average:
- Do one of the following:
- Click Review Class Progress under Manage Student Resources on the Home page.
- Click the Gradebook tab.
- Click Student Results Summary.
- Click a student's score in the first column, All Resources Average.
The student's All Resources Average report is displayed.
Report details
Click one of the following links for more information on the report.
Drop-down list, Practice Average, and links at the top of the report
Student drop-down list: Select a student from the drop-down to display that student's average results.
Practice Average: Shows the student's exercise (practice) average, the number of exercise sets the student has completed, and the student's average time on task for each set.
Export: Click this link to export the results to an Excel or .csv file.
Print: Click this link to print the page.
View Icon Key: Point to this link to display the legend of icons used in the grid.
Report contents
The leftmost column lists the topics.
Required by Instructor icons identify topics with assets that you flagged as required Resources for the entire class.
Required by Diagnostic icons identify topics that are required as the result of a diagnostic test.
You can click a topic link to display the details of the student's work on all the topic's assets.
See also:
The gradebook | Student Results Summary