Location: The Study Plan > Writing Topics > Recall Exercises

Writing Recall Exercises

A writing topic's Recall exercises test your knowledge of the subject at hand. The MyLab grades your Recall answers and posts the grades in the Gradebook's Student Detail report.

Generally, you work through the Recall exercises after viewing a topic's Review Materials. (See Writing Topics for more information.)

To work through a Recall exercise set:

  1. Display the writing topic.
  2. Click the Recall Exercise link or its Begin button to start an exercise set.
  3. Select the answer to the question and click the Submit button.

    The MyLab lets you know if the answer is correct or incorrect. For an incorrect answer, the MyLab also displays the correct answer in bold green.

    For more information on the subject being covered in the exercise, choose an option from the Need a refresher? drop-down list at the bottom of the page.

  4. Click the Next Question button to continue.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to complete the Recall exercise.
  6. (Optional) At the end of the set, click the Show Results button to review which questions you answered correctly and incorrectly.

Note: Once you start work on the Recall exercises, the Begin button changes to New Set or Resume. A Resume button means you stopped midway through a set, and clicking the Resume button restarts the exercise where you left off. A New Set button means you have one or more additional sets to complete.

After completing the Recall exercises, the next step is to complete the Apply exercises.

See also:

Writing Topics | Student Detail Report