Use Respondus Monitor Proctoring

Respondus Monitor® is a fully-automated proctoring solution. It builds upon and starts with the Pearson LockDown Browser—a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within a learning system. Respondus Monitor adds webcam proctoring and remotely monitors and records students taking an online test or quiz. Using students' webcams and screen-sharing, it detects activities that might indicate cheating and alert you to review the recording of a student's session. For tests in an unproctored space, enable Respondus Monitor Proctoring for the course and the assignment.

You can configure the steps students must take before they can start the assignment—for example, presenting a photo ID or panning the room with their webcam. You can view the resulting video recordings for your students and get reports on individual student sessions.

Respondus Monitor Proctoring is not available in all courses.