Generate advanced gradebook exports

You can export generate complex reports on student results. Your reports are sent to a CSV file that you can open in spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel.

Advanced exports are based on data from the last time the data was saved by the system and are processed offline. When the export is ready, you get an email with a link to the report so you can download it. For simple reports, you can generate quick exports immediately.

You cannot export student grades for the entire class in courses with more than 2000 students.

  1. From the main Gradebook page, select Export Data from the toolbar.
  2. On the Export Data page, select the Advanced tab.
  3. If you are in a coordinator program, select the member programs to include in your report and choose one file or separate files.

    When you choose separate files, data for each program is exported to a separate file and the files are sent as a .zip file.

  4. In the Export Name box, enter a file name for your exported report.
  5. Under Export Type, choose:
    • Student Assignment Results — student results: for example, you could generate a report that contains only the results of specified students on specified types of tests.
    • Student Performance by Chapter — chapters, sections, or objectives in your testbank: for example, you could generate a report that shows how students performed on tests that cover a specified section of the testbank.
    • Student Readiness — how students performed on adaptive math tests, including their readiness scores for each course covered by the test. The report also shows what course was recommended for enrollment for each student, if applicable.
    • Item Analysis — how your class performed on each question in a selected test.
  6. Select MyLab/XL format as the layout.
  7. Choose the information you want to include in your report.
  8. Select Request Export.
  9. Select the Retrieve Advanced Exports tab to see the status of your request. When it's ready, select the file name to download the file.

    You also get an email with a link to download the file.