Set up program groups
When you set up a program group, you become the primary instructor or "coordinating instructor" and have full ownership of all the member programs.
Create a program group
- As the coordinating instructor:
- On your Programs page or in the Program Manager, select Create or copy a program.
- In the New Program wizard:
- On step 1, select Coordinator as the type of program to create.
- On step 2, choose the time zone and optionally apply it to all member programs.
- On step 3 optionally allow member programs to remove themselves from the group.
- On step 4, choose the default level of access granted to section instructors in the member programs. You can edit these settings for individual instructors in each member program.
- Finish setting up the coordinator program.
- Add tests and any other features to be inherited by the member programs.
- Open the Program Manager.
- Locate your coordinator program and select Actions > Copy. Member is already selected as the type of program to create.
- Create a new copy for each member in your program group.
- Optionally edit the access levels for individual section instructors. In the member program's gradebook, select More Tools > Manage Instructor Access > View / Edit Custom Access Settings.
- In the Program Manager, select the program ID for each section to open printable instructions for student enrollment.
Enroll a section instructor
As the coordinating instructor:
- Provide the section instructor with the program ID.
- Ask the section instructor to sign in and enroll in the program.
Section instructors should register using the access type appropriate to their role (student or educator).
They either:
- Choose Enroll in Another Instructor's Program from the Programs page.
- Select their username in the upper right and select Enroll in Course.
Section instructors with an educator account do not need an access code to enroll. Section instructors or TAs with a student account need to pay for the program or provide an access code.
- As coordinator, open the member section's gradebook and select More Tools > Edit Roster.
- Check Section instructor to promote the instructor or student.
- From the Access list for the section instructor, select:
- Full instructor - has complete access to program functionality.
- Section instructor - has access levels as assigned by the settings in the coordinator program.
- Read only - has view-only access to the gradebook, assignments, and student results. This setting is typically used for TAs.
- Custom - lets you choose specific access levels for the section instructor.