Work with program groups
To display the members of a program group, go to the Test Manager or Gradebook in the coordinator program and select Member List.
You see the name of the coordinator program, its owner, and a list of the member programs with the names of their instructors.
When a member section is removed from a program group, it becomes a standard program and cannot rejoin the group.
- In the Program Manager, select Actions > Change Settings for the program you want to edit.
- On the Program Settings Summary page, select Edit to open the Program wizard.
- If you are a section instructor with permission, select Leave program group in the General Settings section. Otherwise, in the Group Admin section, select Edit.
- If you are the owner of the coordinator program, select Remove from group. If you are the program owner with permission, select Leave this group.
- In the Choose Course Instructor window, select the primary instructor for the program.
- In the Program Manager, select Actions > Change Settings for the program you want to edit.
- On the Program Settings Summary page, select Edit in the General Settings section.
- Select Standard for Type of program.
- Select the primary instructor for the program.
When you remove or convert a member section, you must select the primary instructor for the program. If you choose a new instructor, the previous instructor becomes a section instructor in the program and any other section instructors are retained. The primary instructor of a removed program must have an instructor account, not a student account.
Ownership of any custom questions created for the removed program are transferred to the new primary instructor, including those created by section instructors. If a section instructor assigned custom questions in a member section that were inherited from the coordinator program, these questions are copied into the section instructor's question pool.
To create a new coordinator program that preserves your customizations, either:
- Copy a member section from the group and open the Edit Course wizard to change its Course Type to coordinator.
- Copy the coordinator program to create a new member section, remove the program from the program group, and open the Edit Course wizard to change its Course Type to coordinator.