Manage tests
Select Test Manager from the left menu to open the Test Manager, where you can create and configure tests.
Use the toolbar options
- Create Test to create or copy fixed tests, create adaptive math tests, import tests from another program, copy and assign practice tests, or create your own questions using the Custom Question Builder.
- Change Dates and Assign Status to change the start/end dates, assigned status, and password for one or more tests.
- Individual Student Settings lets you change settings for students, either by assignment or by student.
- Set Prerequisites to assign a prerequisite to a test or combine tests into a single test group by assigning prerequisite tests.
- More Tools to open the Respondus Monitor Proctoring Dashboard, tag tests, delete or reorder tests, change test settings, set prerequisites and create test groups, and manage custom questions.
Manage individual tests
Select View to see only assigned, unassigned, or all assignments in the list of tests.
In the list of tests, use the Actions menu to:
- Assign or unassign the test.
- Edit the test.
- Copy the test.
- Delete the test.
- Manage settings for all students taking the test
- Manage settings for individual students taking the test
- Remove questions or replace questions from the test after students have worked on it. Students get full credit for a removed question.
These options appear only when students have worked on the test. Choose Edit to remove questions from a test with no results.
- Preview the test.
The test appears in the appropriate player, where you can do the test as your students see it. If the test is pooled, you can select which version to preview.
- Select List questions to view detail on the questions in the test. (This option is not available for adaptive tests.)
- Print the test. (This option is not available for adaptive tests.)
Use practice tests
Each testbank includes at least one practice test per chapter. From the list of practices tests, you can:
- Select Set Availability above Practice test table to change the availability of practice tests. Tests available to your students display a green check icon in the list of practice tests.
- Use the Actions menu to view or print a practice test.
- Select Actions > Copy to assign a copy of the test.