Location: Work in your online course > Do assignments > Take tests and quizzes > Take locked-down tests and quizzes

Take locked-down tests and quizzes

When your instructor locks down a test or quiz, you cannot open other browser windows or use any other application while you are taking the test or quiz. For example, you cannot use a desktop calculator or open a different browser. Learning aids are not available when you are taking a locked-down test or quiz.

To take a locked-down test or quiz, you use the Pearson LockDown Browser. If you are working in a computer lab, the LockDown Browser is already installed. But if you are working on your own machine, you need to install the LockDown Browser.

Note: You cannot take locked-down tests or quizzes on your tablet.


collapsedMaking sure you have installed the LockDown Browser


collapsedTaking a locked-down test


See also:

About players

Use the player on a tablet

Use the Test Overview