Change the category for an assignment

Updated 11 May 2023

You can change the category that any standard Mastering assignment belongs to. The assignment settings will be updated to match those of the new category.

Exceptions: You can't change the category for the  Adaptive category (for Adaptive Follow-Up assignments),  Dynamic Study Module category, "" Interactive Lab category, or  Learning Catalytics category.

Change the category for an assignment:

  1. Open the assignment for editing, if it isn't already open.
  2. On the 1 Settings page, select a different Category from the drop-down list.
  3. Select Save.
    • If the original assignment settings includes Assignment Has a Time Limit , you're not allowed to change the category after any student has started work on the assignment.
    • On the Scores page: The assignment is associated with the new category. If that category is weighted differently from the original category, the assignment's effect on students' total Mastering scores changes.

See also: Compare Homework, Quiz, and Test categories | Add your own categories | Edit default settings for a category | Customize settings for a particular assignment