After the CRI survey
- After you complete the Conley Readiness Index (CRI), make sure to review your report. The last section of the CRI report, Readiness Resources, has advice, recommendations, and links to resources that can help you target the areas you want to improve and to learn about financial aid and careers.
- Your instructor may require that you print the report to go over it with you.
- Also review the content for the Finish Strong 24/7 Videos and Student Resources commands in your course menu.
- The Finish Strong 24/7 YouTube channel has videos on a wide range of topics for anyone interested in college and career success.
- The Student Resources command gives you lists of links to:
Calculators for determining your grade point average (GPA), savings, and budget
Tools for computer literacy, professionalism, research and writing, and success
- See if your Student Success Learning Path has any CRI assignments and possibly a CRI post-test. They are designed to help you practice and develop your skills in the four keys to college and career success.
The Conley Readiness Index is not available in all MyLab courses.