Remember and Apply activities

In a MyLab Nursing course, a lesson's Remember activities and Apply assessments are categorized as Homework. This means that they are listed as Homework activities in the Gradebook.

You can use your Learning Path to guide you through the homework. You must first complete a Review activity. This is a review of the pre-test that shows each question's correct answer, the answer you selected if different, and a rationale for why the correct answer is correct.

The Learning Path next takes you through your Remember activities and then the Apply assessments These are specific Remember activities and Apply assessments, based on your pre-test results, that focus on the content that you did not master in the pre-test. You must complete the Remember activities before gaining access to the Apply assessments.

Remember and Apply activities can be taken once, by default. They are scored and weighted, but like pre-tests, these scores and weights are not included in the calculation of the final lesson grade. (The instructor can change these defaults as well as the activities' prerequisites.)

Case studies are categorized as quizzes, not homework. See Case studies for more information.

See also: