Location: Assignments > Grade assignments > Add comments to student submissions > Insert a Common Error notation

Insert a Common Error notation

When you are reviewing a student submission in the composing space, you can insert a Common Error. The list of Common Errors is extensive and ranges from misuse of capital letters to comma splices and shift in verb tense.

Common Errors include links to Resource topics. For example, the Common Error for comma splices includes a link to the Resource topic "Comma Splices." Students can access these links from My Study Plan, the assignment's draft history, and Resources.

To insert a Common Error notation in the text editor: 

  1. Click in the student's text where you want to insert the error.
  2. Click the drop-down list below Common Errors in the Toolkit (to the right of the editor).
  3. Select the error you want from the list.

    The Toolkit displays a Preview of the error's text and the error's Linked Resources.

  4. (Optional) Click the topic under Linked Resources to open that topic in a separate window where you can review the topic content and exercises.
  5. Click the Insert button to insert the Common Error in the student's text.

    The composing space displays the notation in the student's document. After you save the document or submit it to the student, the Resource links are available from the document's Drafts and Comments window.

See also:

Add comments to student submissions | Create, edit, and insert a My Comment | Audio commenting | My Study Plan