Copy a course
This procedure takes you through the steps of copying an existing course. (Make sure to first read Create, copy, or link to a course.)
You can always copy one of your own active or archived courses. A public course, however, may require that you enter a password before you can copy the course. Contact the course's instructor for the password.
When copying a course you have the option of copying the original (master) course's assignments, required Resources, and instructor announcements.
If the course you are copying has a posted syllabus or other uploaded files:
- The copied course includes the syllabus file, and you can remove it or post a different syllabus. The syllabus file is not linked to the original course's syllabus.
- The copied course either includes the File Manager files or has links to any files posted using the File Manager in the original course.
- If you are copying one of your own courses, you have full access to the files because all your courses have access to the same File Manager files.
- When you are copying another instructor's course, the copied course has links to the other instructor's files. If that instructor deletes a file from her or his File Manager, you no longer have access to that file from the copied course.
Tip: Click this link to view a video demo on copying a course.
To copy a course:
- Log in to the MyLab for which you want to create a course.
- Do one of the following:
- If the Course Builder is already displaying the Step 1: Choose Your Course Type page, skip to step 3 in this procedure.
- Otherwise, click the My Courses link at the top of the course window. Then click the Create a Course button. The Course Builder opens and displays the Step 1: Choose Your Course Type page. Continue with step 3 in this procedure.
- Select one of the Copy or link to a course . . . options, depending on whether you are copying one of your own courses or a public course. Click the Continue button.
The Step 1: Choose Your Course page is displayed.
- Proceed through the steps, completing the entries for each step and then clicking the Continue button.
Use the following links for details on the step entries:
Step 1: Choose your course
Step 2: Name your course
Step 3: Set student access properties
Step 4: Set course copy properties
Step 5: Copy assignments
After you complete the last step, the Course Builder displays a verification page that shows all the course settings.
- Review the settings.
If you need to change any settings, click the applicable Edit button. (You can also edit these settings after the course is created.)
- Click the Continue button.
The Course Builder creates the course and displays the course settings, including the course ID at the top of the page.
A course ID starts with the instructor's name followed by a series of numbers ending with a letter; for example, Smith0418509C or Hackley657088S.
Important: Each course has a unique ID. Students must have the course ID in order to join your course; make sure to distribute the ID to your students.
You can also click the Print button to print this page.
- Complete the setup of the copied course.