Location: Course management > Create, copy, or link to a course > Link to a course

Link to a course

When linking to a course you have the option of copying the original (master) course's assignments and instructor announcements. Once the linked course is created, you can edit and change these assignments and announcements as well as add more.

The Resources in the linked course remain linked to the original course. That is, you cannot change any Resource settings in the linked course, but any changes made to the original course's Resources are automatically reflected in the linked course.

If the course you are linking to has a posted syllabus or other uploaded files:

You can always link to one of your own courses. A public course, however, may require that you enter a password before you can link to the course. Contact the course's instructor for the password.

Tip: Click this link to view a video demo on creating a linked course.

This procedure takes you through the steps of linking to a course. (Make sure to first read Create, copy, or link to a course.)

To link to a course:

  1. Log in to the English MyLab for which you want to create a linked course.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Select one of the Copy or link to a course . . . options, depending on whether you are creating a course that is linked to one of your own courses or to a public course. Click the Continue button.

    The Course Builder now displays the Step 1: Choose Your Course page.

  4. Proceed through the steps, completing the entries for each step and then clicking the Continue button.

    For details on a step's entries, click one of the following links:

    Step 1: Choose your course

    Step 2: Name your course

    Step 3: Set student access properties

    Step 4: Course copy properties

    Step 5: Copy assignments

    After you complete the last step, the Course Builder displays a verification page that shows all the course settings.

  5. Review the settings.

    If you need to change any settings, click the applicable Edit button. (You can also edit these settings after the course is created.)

  6. Click the Continue button.

    The Course Builder creates the course and displays the course settings, including the Course ID at the top of the page.

    A course ID starts with the instructor's name followed by a series of numbers ending with a letter; for example, Smith0418509C or Hackley657088S.

    Important: Each course has a unique Course ID. Students must have the Course ID in order to join your course; make sure to distribute the ID to your students.

    You can also click the Print button to print this page.

  7. Complete the setup of the linked course.