Create office grader assignments

Updated 02 Apr 2024

If available in your course, create office grader homework, tests, or quizzes using the assignment creation wizard. Office grader assignments are real tasks in a Microsoft® application instead of a simulated environment.

First, make sure to import pre-built assignments before you create your own assignments.

Students download a Microsoft file to complete an assignment. They upload the completed assignment and submit it for automatic evaluation by the MyLab Office Grader application.

Important: Students have unlimited attempts on homework assignments. If a student's second attempt score is lower than the first attempt score, a message shows with options to continue or discard. It's best practice to select Discard. If they continue, the lower score saves to the gradebook.

  1. Open the Assignment Manager.
  2. To open the Create Office Grader wizard, select Create > Create Office Grader.

    The Create menu options

  3. On step 1, the Start tab, enter a gradebook category and an assignment name.

  4. Select Next to add content on step 2.