Manage placements
You can view placements and edit them for one student or all students.
View the students placed in a course
- In your Gradebook, select More Tools > Manage Course Recommendations.
- In the list of placements, select the name of a course.
Edit placements
- In your Gradebook, select More Tools > Manage Course Recommendations.
- Under Actions in the list of placements, select the pencil icon to change the placement.
Change the placement for an individual student
- Open the Recommend Course page:
- From the gradebook Tests page, select the name of the course.
- From the student's Results page, select Change next to the placement.
- Select another course or select None to remove all placements.
Remove a course for all students
- In your Gradebook, select More Tools > Manage Course Recommendations.
- Under Actions in the list of placements, select the trashcan icon for the course to delete it.