Require students to show their work
You can require students to show how they arrived at the answer to individual questions. You can choose automatic or manual grading.
When students do these questions, the student player opens a window where they can draw, enter text or equations, insert images, and so on.
To require a written explanation, you can edit the question and add an essay component.
To set the requirement:
- Select the questions in step 2 of the Test wizard:
- For one question, preview the question in the player and select Student to show work.
- For one or more questions in a test, select View question details from the My Selections list.
- In step 3 of the Test wizard:
- Choose how Show Work questions are scored and whether to manually grade any part of the student's answer.
In some programs, students get credit for the Show Work component when any content is entered.
- Choose whether to allow students to access Help Me Solve This and View an Example. By default, question help is not available for Show Work questions.
- Choose how Show Work questions are scored and whether to manually grade any part of the student's answer.