Answer questions in the player
The student player is where you answer questions. You can work on tablets or computers, but not smartphones.
The player might look different depending on your course. Some courses include assignments that you do in separate learning tools outside the player.

When a question opens in the student player, you see:
- Question information at the top, such as completed questions, your score so far, and the number of points in the assignment.
- Available question help at the bottom, such as Help me solve this, View an example, and Get more help to get tutorial help. If available, select Skill Builder to do adaptive practice.
- Read the question and enter your answer.
If needed, a palette of math symbols displays.
Useto drag and change the sizes of the question and answer areas.
- Select Check answer to see if your answer is correct. If not, you get a hint and can try again. Some questions have multiple parts, each of which you must complete and select Check answer.
- If you use all your attempts, select Similar question to try again.
Or, select Next question to go to the next question. - If you answer correctly, select Next question to go to the next question.
Or, select a question or media item from the question list.
Useto collapse or expand the question list.
- Select Save to submit your completed homework or to save and finish later. The Homework and Tests page opens.

When the student player opens, you see:
- The question number and the number of questions in the test or quiz.
- The time remaining, if your instructor set a time limit.
- The number of points for the assignment, and the number of points available for the question.
- A settings icon
to turn on accessibility mode, use the on-screen keyboard, or open the online help.
- Read the question and enter your answer.
If needed, a palette of math symbols automatically opens.
Useto drag and change the sizes of the question and answer areas.
- Select Next to go to the next question. Or:
- Use the arrows to go to the next or previous question:
- Use the question list:
Useto collapse and expand the question list.
- Use
to choose a question:
- Use the arrows to go to the next or previous question:
- When you finish, select Submit test or Submit quiz to save and submit your answers. Your score is entered in the gradebook. The Test Summary page opens.

You can insert special formats and symbols (for example, fractions and square roots) into your answers. Click or tap inside the answer box to open the math palette at the bottom of the player:
For details, see Enter math expressions.

For homework or study plan practice, select an option at the bottom of the player.
If available in your course, select Skill builder to learn how to answer the question.
You cannot get question help on tests or quizzes unless your instructor allows it.

The Settings icon shows in the top right when you select a question:
Accessibility enables or disables accessibility features. You cannot currently use a screen reader in the player on a tablet.
On-screen keyboard controls the display of the on-screen keyboard when you work on a touch-screen device. The on-screen keyboard offers keys appropriate to your selected language.
Print allows you to print the question or the homework assignment.
About displays version information about the player.
Help center opens the online help for the student player.