Upgrade new courses to Access Pearson

If your institution has installed the Access Pearson  (LTI 1.3) tool, the MyLab and Mastering (LTI 1.1) tool is no longer available for pairing new LMS courses after the upgrade date. Instead, you need to use the Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) tool. The LTI 1.3 tool has the latest improvements, including enhanced grade sync details and automatic student account creation for signin, if enabled by your institution.

This upgrade applies to the MyLab and Mastering Standard integration (LTI 1.1) and some Pearson Seamless integrations for Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle. It doesn't apply to Sakai and Schoology or CPI Partner and Direct integrations.

Unsure if your institution installed the Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) tool? Check with your LMS administrator.

When to upgrade

If your institution has removed the MyLab and Mastering (LTI 1.1) tool and installed the Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) tool, you need to use Access Pearson now for pairing new LMS courses. If your institution has both the LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 tools, the upgrade to LTI 1.3 takes place in Summer 2024. Notification messages indicate when to upgrade.

Status message: If your institution has both the LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 tools installed, look for a status message after you select the MyLab and Mastering link for a course set up using LTI 1.1. This message appears for paired and un-paired courses until the upgrade date and for paired courses after the upgrade date. The message doesn't appear for some versions of Blackboard and some Pearson Seamless integrations.

Message on Pearson Home page

TPI_RP_94 error: After the upgrade date, you'll get this error if you try to pair a new LMS course with the MyLab and Mastering (LTI 1.1) tool. You might also see this error if you remove the course association from an LMS course set up with LTI 1.1 and then try to pair it again. Instead, you need to use the Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) tool.

TPI_RP_94 error

New LMS courses that aren't yet paired

After the upgrade date, you need to pair new LMS courses using the Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) tool. Select your LMS for instructions:

Existing LMS courses that are already paired

After the upgrade date, you can still:

  • Access existing LMS courses that were already paired using the MyLab and Mastering tool (LTI 1.1). Grade sync and assignment links work until the end of the course.
  • Access any existing template (coordinator) LMS courses that were already paired using the MyLab and Mastering tool (LTI 1.1).

After the upgrade date, you might see this message when accessing your course.

TPI_RP_94 error

Transition an active or copied LTI 1.1 course to LTI 1.3

You can transition an active course with student enrollment or a copied course already paired using the MyLab and Mastering tool (LTI 1.1) to the Access Pearson tool (LTI 1.3) before the upgrade date. See Transition to Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) for instructions.

Identify your integration

To identify which integration tool you're using for a course, check the Launch Type in Diagnostics.

The Launch Type for the MyLab and Mastering integration (LTI 1.1) is Standard integration LTI 1.1. The Launch Type for the Access Pearson tool (LTI 1.3) is Standard integration LTI 1.3.

Diagnostics page


Updated 30 May 2024