Set up Access Pearson or Access Pearson Codeless - Canvas

Transitioning your course from MyLab and Mastering (LTI 1.1) to Access Pearson (LTI 1.3)? Learn how to prepare.

To set up Access Pearson or Access Pearson Codeless:

  1. If applicable, add the Access Pearson link.
  2. Pair your Canvas course with a MyLab or Mastering course.
  3. Add assignment, course tool, or eText links.
  4. Get students started.
  5. Sync grades.
  6. If applicable, enable Access Pearson Codeless.

Not sure which integration was set up for you? This topic covers Access Pearson, Pearson Seamless, and Access Pearson Codeless for Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, and VitalSource. The name and location of the link to access these integrations depend on your course setup. For Access Pearson, the link is usually named Access Pearson. For Access Pearson Codeless, the bookstore link is sometimes named Course Materials and may include your bookstore name. Check the Launch Type in Diagnostics or ask your LMS administrator if you're unsure.

Step 1: Add the Access Pearson link

If you don't see the Access Pearson link, add it to your Canvas course.

  1. If your course will belong to a course group (copied from a template or a coordinator course), set up the template before creating student-use copies.
  2. Open your Canvas course.
  3. If you're transitioning your course from the MyLab and Mastering (LTI 1.1) integration to the Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) integration, you'll need to prepare your course. See Transition your course for instructions.
  4. Select Settings in the left navigation. Then select the Navigation tab.

    Screenshot of the Navigation tab

  5. Under Drag items here to hide them from students at the bottom of the page, select Enable from Options menu for Access Pearson.

    Screenshot of hidden items

    Don't see Access Pearson? If Access Pearson isn't available and you're using a bookstore like Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, or VitalSource, go to Step 6: Enable Access Pearson Codeless. If you aren't using a bookstore, contact your system administrator. Provide the administration guide for Pearson integrations.

  6. Move Access Pearson where you want in the list and then select Save.

    Drag and drop for the Access Pearson item

  7. Select the Access Pearson link in the left navigation.

    Access Pearson link in left navigation

  8. Agree to any authorization requests.

Next, link accounts and pair your courses.

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Step 2: Link accounts and pair courses

To open MyLab and Mastering from your LMS course, link your accounts once. Then pair your courses and set up assignments in your MyLab or Mastering course.

Watch how to link accounts and pair courses (1:48)

Link your accounts

If you're a section instructor or teaching assistant, see Register as a section instructor or TA.

  1. Select the MyLab and Mastering or Access Pearson link. (Add the link if you don't see it.)
  2. Select Open Pearson.

    Screenshot of the Open Pearson button

  3. If you're asked to choose your product, select MyLab | Mastering. (For Revel, eText, or Live Response, go to Revel and Pearson eText for your LMS Help.) Your selection is permanent and can't be undone.

    Choose your product options

  4. Agree to any authorization requests and accept cookies.
  5. If prompted, select Get Started to link your accounts.

    Screenshot of the Pearson Home page for a validated instructor

  6. Enter the username and password from your existing Pearson instructor account and select Link accounts. If you don't have an account, select Create an account and follow the prompts. You can only link one LMS account to one Pearson account.

    Link your accounts page

  7. Select Continue.

    Link accounts confirmation

  8. If prompted, select Get Started on the Pearson Home page to pair your courses.

    Screenshot of the Pearson Home page for a validated instructor


Next, pair your courses.

Pair your courses

Start from your LMS course to pair it with a new, copied, or existing MyLab or Mastering course.

Mastering platform update: Transitioning your course to Access Pearson (LTI 1.3) and pairing it with a new edition? Most assignment and course tool links automatically migrate to LTI 1.3. To ensure this works when pairing a new edition of a Mastering platform update course, copy your previous paired course. Go to Diagnostics for your previous course and note the course ID. When you pair the new LMS course, enter the course ID you noted under Copy an existing course. Links to eText sections, Scheduled Reading, and Adaptive Followups in a new edition aren't included in the course copy or the link migration. You'll need to manually add these links to your LMS course.

  1. To create or copy a MyLab or Mastering course, choose an option. Depending on your setup, you'll see different options.
  2. Complete the course details.

    Screenshot of the course details page

  3. Select Pair course or Create course. You'll see a confirmation message.

    Screenshot of confirmation with course details

  4. Wait for an email confirming your course has been created. This might take up to 3 hours.
  5. Close the browser tab, and return to your LMS course

Next, set up assignments.

Set up assignments

You need to create assignments and add due dates before you can add assignment links and set up grade sync.

  1. From your LMS course, select the MyLab and Mastering or Access Pearson link. Don't see the link?
  2. Select Open MyLab & Mastering.

    Screenshot of the Open MyLab & Mastering button

  3. Make sure assignments are set up in your MyLab or Mastering course. Assign due dates in your Mastering course. Manage due dates only from your MyLab or Mastering course, not your LMS course.

    To successfully sync grades and open assignments, make sure assignment names are fewer than 128 characters. Avoid UTF-8 or these characters \ / " * < > + = | , % ! &

    Using the Mastering platform update? Learn about differences in how assignments are handled.

  4. Return to your LMS course.

Next, add assignment or tool links or get students started.

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Step 3: Add assignment, course tool, or eText links

Optionally, you can add links that students use to open MyLab or Mastering assignments, course tools, such as Grades, or eText (also called eTextbook) from your Canvas course. You can do this automatically or manually. Learn how assignment, course tool, or eText links function.

Prerequisites: First pair your MyLab or Mastering and Canvas courses and set up assignments in your MyLab or Mastering course.

Watch how to add assignment links

Automatically create all assignment links

If available, automatically create links for all your assignments by syncing grades and then adding the links to your modules. Want to add specific assignment, course tool, or eText links?

  1. Sync grades to make links available. Make sure you select the assignments you want to add as links.

    After you sync grades, links appear by default in the Canvas Assignments content area. You might need to wait a short while.

  2. Add the links to a Canvas assignment in a module such as MyLab and Mastering Assignments. (See Canvas Help for how to add content to modules.)
  3. Open MyLab and Mastering assignments from within your Canvas course. You might need to refresh the page. Select a link and then Open Pearson to open the link in a new browser tab or window.

Manually add assignment, course tool, or eText links

Choose how you'd like to manually add links.

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Step 4: Get students started

Student access via the bookstore: If you want students to access your MyLab or Mastering course via a bookstore, such as Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, or VitalSource, make sure Access Pearson Codeless is enabled before students register for the course. That way, students access MyLab and Mastering through the bookstore link from your LMS course. This allows students to manage their opt status. Students need to follow your institution's process to manage the opt status. This prevents issues with student access and purchase.

Learn how to get students started with your MyLab or Mastering course.

Student resources

Share registration instructions with your students. We suggest copying and pasting these URLs into an email to students before classes start or your syllabus. Another option is to add these URLs as links in a getting started section of your Canvas course. See Canvas Help for how to add links.

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Step 5: Sync grades

Sync grades one-way from your MyLab or Mastering course to your Canvas course. First prepare your MyLab or Mastering course. Then set up grade sync from your LMS course. Learn how grade sync works.

Calendar: You need to sync grades to see assignment due dates in the Canvas calendar.

Watch how to sync grades (1:01)

  1. Access the Pearson Home page and select Open Pearson.
  2. Select Open MyLab & Mastering.
  3. In your MyLab and Mastering course, turn on any grade settings and create assignments that meet the guidelines below. If needed, set availability/due dates and choose grade sync settings.

    Guidelines: To avoid problems opening MyLab and Mastering courses and syncing grades, make sure names, including course and assignment names, and settings don't have UTF-8 and these special characters: \ / " * < > + = | , % ! &

    Depending on your MyLab and Mastering platform, there are different ways to prepare for grade sync.

Next, return to your LMS course to set up grade sync.

Step 6: Enable Access Pearson Codeless

Your institution may offer students the option to opt in to add the cost of MyLab or Mastering course materials to their tuition or fees. This is available from your bookstore through the Access Pearson Codeless integration as part of your Inclusive Access or institutional-bill program. Bookstores include Barnes & Noble, Follett-Willo, RedShelf, or VitalSource. When students opt out, they can buy access through Pearson using a credit card or, if available, PayPal or Apple Pay.

Your LMS administrator usually works with the bookstore to integrate Access Pearson Codeless with your LMS course. To enable Access Pearson Codeless before students register, select the bookstore link and access your MyLab or Mastering course. For instructions, select your bookstore below. The name and location of the bookstore link depends on the course setup. The link is sometimes named Course Materials and may include your bookstore name.

Student access: We recommend you enable Access Pearson Codeless before students register for your course. That way, students can access MyLab and Mastering through the bookstore link from your LMS course. This lets students manage their opt status. Students need to follow your institution's process to prevent issues with access and purchase.

Not sure how to find the bookstore link or don't see the right Pearson content? Check the instructions below. If you still have trouble, contact your bookstore or LMS administrator.

Select your bookstore

Link accounts and pair courses

Depending on whether you're using Access Pearson or a bookstore alone or in combination, your next step is:

  • Access Pearson and bookstore: If you linked accounts and paired courses using Access Pearson, you don't have to repeat these steps after enabling Access Pearson Codeless. You can access your MyLab or Mastering course from the Access Pearson or bookstore link.
  • Bookstore only: If you're using a bookstore but not Access Pearson, you need to link accounts and finish setting up your integration after you enable Access Pearson Codeless.

How to identify your integration: Check the Launch Type in Diagnostics if you're unsure which integration you're using. The Launch Type for Access Pearson Codeless is Channel partner integration LTI 1.3. The Launch Type for Access Pearson is Standard integration LTI 1.3.

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Updated 28 Feb 2025